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Documentary Heritage

The Library stocks almost 10,000 books and annuals. 

The Library operates mainly with open shelves: this means that many of its books are directly accessible. You can take the book you need from the shelf, after finding its location in the online catalogue. If the book is out on loan, you will find a "dummy" (a plastic red cover) for long-term loaned textbooks and a green dummy cover for books out on monthly loan.

Part of these publications (especially donated books and periodicals) are kept in the warehouse. In this case, you must ask for assistance at the loans desk.

Open shelf books are organised by subject, according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).

Some publications are kept in separate sections (e.g. periodicals) or are not directly available to public (e.g. CD-roms). Again in this case, you must ask for assistance at the loans desk.

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