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Bibliographic Information

What is this?

The Bibliographic Information service guides you through book collections and bibliographic tools to compile a bibliography and to carry out research. You will be assisted in locating works, identifying libraries or entities useful for your research or for the drafting of your degree thesis. The service also assists you in the use of electronic resources, both at your request and for assistance and support to the teaching activities carried out by teachers.

Ask the Librarian

For complex searches, make an appointment with the library staff.

You can call 0131360381/382 or write to . At this address you can also ask for information and advice.

Students can use UPOrisponde

At the Biblioteca DISUM, the staff carries out guided tours for everyone, but especially freshers, to introduce the library and its services. The meetings last about an hour and generally take place in October. At the start of the new academic year, you will be notified of the schedule of visits. It will also be possible to agree on different dates and times with teachers interested in involving their class.

Last modified 28 September 2023