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Who can use the resources of the library?

Students, researchers, professors and technical-administrative staff of the University.

Students, researchers, professors and technical-administrative staff of affiliated universities (University of Turin, Polytechnic of Turin, University of Gastronomic Sciences and University of Valle d'Aosta).

Consultation is free for all citizens with study and research purposes or needing information.

Library materials are arranged on the open shelf by subject.

Some materials are placed in specific sections (e.g. periodicals) or in sectors not directly accessible to the public (e.g. CD ROMs, Solvay Solexis and MAGMO donations) for which you must ask the staff.

Important: after consultation, books and magazines should never be placed back on the shelf, but left on the yellow trolleys. We will take care of relocating them correctly.

A badly-placed book is a lost book!

The library staff is at your disposal to help you and guide you in your research.

Last modified 14 July 2022