Degree thesis
In the library you can consult the degree theses of the old education system and of the specialist / master's degree; there are also some theses (final exam works) from Bachelor degrees.
At the bottom of the page, you can find the files with lists of the theses’ titles.
To consult the theses, you must go to the loan desk. The theses are excluded from the loans system. The theses cannot be copied, even partially, except with the author's written approval.
Submission of a copy of the thesis
The three-year degree thesis does not have to be submitted to the library, but if you bring it to us, we catalogue it and keep it.
For more information, contact the librarians.
Book loans
If you are a bachelor's or master's degree student at the end of your course, book loans will be granted until 7 days from the date set for graduation.
If you have books on loan, you must return them 7 days before the graduation date.
If you fail to comply with this obligation, you may be excluded from the graduation session.
Tesi Nuovo Ordinamento DiSIT.pdf
- Documento PDF - 306.95 KB
Tesi Vecchio Ordinamento DiSIT.pdf
- Documento PDF - 45.38 KB
Last modified 12 July 2022