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Library-only Services

The services are aimed exclusively at libraries and documentation centres belonging to public or non-profit institutions.

Requests from private users or companies will not be taken into consideration.

The material is sent for personal use only, for study or research purposes, in compliance with the legislation on Copyright (Law no. 633 of 22/04/1941 and subsequent amendments. Ii.).

The methods of using this service are governed by Article 6 of the Library Regulations.

The Library adheres to:

  • Interlibrary loan and document supply service (ILL SBN) ILL SBN code AL0153
  • Network Inter-Library Document Exchange (NILDE) NILDE code VC008

Interlibrary Loan - Inter Library Loan (ILL)

How to request:

Maximum number of requests: 4 per month.

Fee: The service is free, subject to conditions of reciprocity. Otherwise, reimbursement of postage costs is required.

Times and procedures: The documents, if available, are sent within the maximum term of 5 working days. In case of a negative result, the reply is sent within 2 working days.

 The shipment is carried out with recommended book packaging. The loan lasts 30 days from the date of shipment.

A 15-day renewal is only possible provided it is requested by the current loan expiry date and no other users have booked the volume.

Volumes sent on interlibrary loan can be loaned at home under the responsibility of the requesting library.

Return: The books sent on loan must be returned in recommended packaging by registered mail or other traceable method.

If the volumes sent are damaged or lost upon return, the requesting library will be required to replace the copy with an identical one or, by agreement with the library, with a similar copy.

The following are excluded from the interlibrary loan: deteriorated works, reference works on any medium, periodicals and course books. Course books are recognizable by the wording "exam text" in the catalogue (an example screenshot below).

Contact person ILL: Luca TENCONI,  tel. 0131 360126, fax 0131360366, email: 

Document Delivery (DD)

Request method:

Fee: The service is free, subject to conditions of reciprocity. Otherwise, reimbursement of postage costs is required.

Times and procedures: The documents, if available, are sent within the maximum term of 5 working days. In case of a negative result, the reply is sent within 2 working days. It is possible to request up to 5 articles per day per library.

DD Contact person: Laura Clarizia  tel. 0131 360382, fax 0131360366, email: 

Duplicate copies (journals and books)

The library gifts duplicate copies of its own journals and books.

If you are interested, write to: 

In the case of multiple requests for the same issue and / or book, priority will be given to the earliest request.

Delivery costs are charged to the applicant.

At the moment, no duplicate copies are available.

Last modified 28 September 2023