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Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation

Course Type Master’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure

This course is open to all, and lasts 2 years (full-time) or 3 or 4 years (part-time)

Course locations: Alessandria and Vercelli.

The contact person for the Course Council is Prof. Alessio Bottrighi: e-mail:

For more information: UPO risponde

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Master's Degree Course in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation is subject to possession of a three-year degree, or another approved qualification obtained in Italy or abroad.

Students must meet certain curricular requirements, specified in the Regulations of the Master's Degree Course. In particular, they must have accrued at least 12 academic credits in the IT field (S.S.D INF / 01 or ING-INF / 05), 6 academic credits in the mathematical field (S.S.D. MAT / 01, MAT / 02, MAT / 03, MAT / 05, SECS- S06) and 6 academic credits in statistics (S.S.D. MAT / 06, SECS-S / 01).

For those students who have not achieved (partially or totally) the necessary IT and/or mathematics/statistics skills in their previous studies, two "Academic Certificates", one in statistical mathematics (two courses, 6 credits) and one in the IT field (two courses, 6 credits) are offered during the summer.

Once gained, these "Academic Certificates" will constitute achievement of the aforementioned training prerequisites before the start of enrolment. Naturally, students need take only those "Academic Certificate" courses to complete their missing skills (depending on their previous education).


The master's degree programme offers (with different levels of competence and specialisation depending on the curricula) in-depth theoretical, methodological, experimental and applicative skills in the fundamental areas of artificial intelligence, and the interdisciplinary skills necessary to effectively interpret technological change and innovation linked to artificial intelligence, in order to be able to combine it in different areas of application such as business, administrative authorities, and laboratories.

Alongside strong interdisciplinary skills in the field of artificial intelligence, you will acquire:

  • the ability to understand and interpret innovations related to new artificial intelligence methodologies
  • the ability to apply theoretical and methodological skills to emerging concrete problems
  • the ability to work independently, take responsibility for projects and structures, and work in multi-disciplinary teams.

To obtain the degree, you must achieve 120 academic credits.

Possible fields of employment

Graduates will gain the necessary skills to allow them access to popular and innovative professions, including:

  • analyst, designer, project manager, and software, data and knowledge architect for projects in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning;
  • methodology and applications consultant for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions, with specialisation in the Bio-Medical, Economic-Business, or Socio-Legal-Political fields;
  • researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with countless job opportunities, such as companies, public bodies, consulting firms, research institutes, innovative startups, or as freelancers.

Furthermore, you will be able to continue your studies with a research doctorate, if you fulfil the admission requirements.

Course organisation

In this section you can find the Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation Programmes, information on the Study Plan (organisation of lessons and educational activity; how to complete the Study Plan), the Didactic Regulations, (the set of rules on teaching that regulate the course), the Didactic System (the set of general rules that regulate the course) for your own cohort (generally related to the year of matriculation).

For more information on courses and programmes of previous years you can visit the page Course Archive.

From the Library Catalogue you can search by content or teacher, and find the textbooks recommended for preparation of exams.

Lessons timetable

You can find information on the lessons timetable in UPOPlanner

Final Exam

The final exam consists in the drafting and public defence of an original written thesis by the student on a topic pertinent to the goals of the course, guided by a thesis supervisor.

The dissertation must show expert understanding of the topics, an ability to perform independent research, critical thinking about problems and applications linked to artificial intelligence, the ability to apply knowledge and know-how, and strong communicative skill.

The final exam is linked to a project or internship

Last modified 8 May 2024