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Regional funds

The main interventions of the Piedmont Regional Authority are based on the Regional Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (POR-FESR), which has the objectives of increasing expenditure on research and development.

Other funding is provided through the Rural Development Program (PSR) and the Regional Implementation Program for Development and Cohesion Fund (PAR-FSC).

The projects that have received funding at DISIT are:

  • POR FESR 2014/2020 - Axis I - Action I.1.a.1.5 - "INFRA-P Support for projects for the construction, strengthening and expansion of public IR" - Project PRISMA-UPO - Magnetic Resonance Platform UPO (team leader Prof. Mauro Botta)
  • POR FESR 2014/2020 - Axis I - Action I.1b.1.2. - MANUNET III 2017 (Facilitations in support of transnational industrial research and experimental development projects in the manufacturing sector) - TexEMFiRe project "Manufacturing textiles with electromagnetic shielding and fire retardant properties by plasma based methods" (team leader Prof.ssa Valentina Gianotti)
  • POR FESR 2014/2020 - Axis I - Action I.1b.2.2 - Technological Platform "Intelligent Factory" - SMART 3D Project "Production chain of SMART 3D polymeric devices" (scientific coordinator Prof. Chiara Bisio)
  • L.R. 34/2004 - 2015/2017 Multi-year Productive Activities Program - Axis 3 Internationalization - Measure 3.1 "Settlement Agreement" - Section "Attraction of investments in Piedmont LARGE ENTERPRISES" - Project "Development of technology applied to the construction of X-ray booths for inspection of components for the industrial and aerospace sector” (team leader Prof. Marco Milanesio)
  • POR FESR 2007/2013 - Measure I.1.3 Innovation poles - Project: BIO.SOL.PHYTO (team leader Prof.ssa Graziella Berta)

Last modified 13 July 2022