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z) Social Partners

This section is dedicated to the relationships between the Degree in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology and Interested Social Partners (ISP), i.e. the organisations and...

Degree course Modern, classical and comparative Philology - (Double Degree) - academic year 23/24

h) Internships and Job Placements (students)

Internships and apprenticeships are periods of 'practical activity' in companies, public bodies or other institutions, both public and private, aimed at gaining 'on-the-job'...

Degree course Philosophy, Politics and Cultural Studies - academic year 23/24

h) Internships and Job Placements (students)

Internships and apprenticeships are periods of 'practical activity' in companies, public bodies or other institutions, both public and private, aimed at gaining 'on-the-job'...

Degree course Philosophy, Politics and Cultural Studies - academic year 23/24

G. Parti Sociali Interessate

Questa sezione è dedicata ai rapporti tra il Corso di Studio in Filosofia e le Parti Sociali Interessate (PSI), ovvero le organizzazioni ed istituzioni potenzialmente interessate...

Degree course "FINO" (Northwestern Italian Philosophy Consortium)

a) Archivio Piani di studio programmi e regolamenti

Piani di studio Programmi (selezionare l'anno dal menu a tendina) Regolamenti Per accedere ai programmi dall'a.a. 2011/2012 al 2001/2002 contattare UPO Risponde

Degree course Literature - Alessandria - (Binational degree – course currently winding down) - academic year 23/24

v) Social Partners

This section is dedicated to the relationships between the Degree in Modern Languages and the Interested Social Partners (ISP), i.e. the organisations and institutions potentially...

Degree course Modern Foreign Languages - a. y. 24/25

v) Social Partners

This section is dedicated to the relationships between the Degree in Modern Languages and the Interested Social Partners (ISP), i.e. the organisations and institutions potentially...

Degree course Modern foreign languages - academic year 23/24

u) Handbook English Language course

ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST (Only for incoming Bachelor students) and LANGUAGE CERTIFICATION 1. I need information on the English Placement Test, where can I find it? All information on...

Degree course Modern foreign languages - academic year 23/24