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European Funding

This page lists the Department's projects within the main research funding programmes at European level.

  • MULTI2HYCAT​  - “MULTI-site organic-inorganic HYbrid CATalyst for MULTI-step chemical processes”​”- Horizon 2020 - NMBP-2016-2017 - R.S. Prof. MARCHESE Leonardo
  • AQUAlity - “Interdisciplinar cross-sectoral approach to effectively address the removal of contaminants of emerging concern from water”- Horizon 2020 - MSCA-ITN-2017 ​- R.S. Prof.ssa ROBOTTI Elisa
  • NANOGENTOOLS  - “Developing and implementation of a new generation of nanosafety assessment tools”- Horizon 2020 - MSCA-RISE-2015  - R.S. Prof. DONDERO Francesco​
  • AEROMET - “Aerosol metrology for atmospheric science and air quality”​ - EURAMET EMPIR​ - R.S. Prof.ssa GIANOTTI Valentina
  • 3DMetChemIT - “Advanced 3D chemical metrology for innovative technologies” - EMPIR2015 ( EUROPEAN METROLOGY PROGRAMME FOR INNOVATION AND RESEARCH) R.S. Prof. LAUS Michele​
  • Innanopart - “Metrology for Innovative Nanoparticles” - EURAMET-MSU - EMPIR2015  R.S. Prof.ssa SPARNACCI Katia​
  • NERC NE/L006782/1 - "Elucidating the potential interaction of manufactured nanoparticles with polycyclic aromatic Hidrocarbons: an integrated toxicogenomics approach" - R.S. Prof. Viarengo Aldo
  • TRANSLATE – “Noncoding and Translational Modulation of Gene Expression and Epigenetic” Changes - ERC-2013-ADG - R.S. Prof. BIFFO Stefano
  • SIB61 CRYSTAL - "Crystalline and self-assembled structures as length standards" – EURAMET Crystalline surfaces  - EMRP Research Grant - R.S. Prof. LAUS Michele
  • GLOBASOL  - “Global solar spectrum harvesting through highly efficient photovoltaic and thermoelectric integrated cells” – FP7-ENERGY-2012-1 - R.S. Prof. MARCHESE Leonardo
  • DMKM - "Data Mining and Knowledge Management" - Erasmus Mundus EMMC - R.S. Prof.ssa SAITTA Lorenza
  • MYMED - Programma ALCOTRA 2007-2013 Alpi Latine Cooperazione TRAnsfrontaliera Italia-Francia - R.S. Prof. ANGLANO Cosimo
  • BioReGent - "Biocontrol and Bioremediation agents and their role in Agriculture and Forest health" - FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES - R.S. Prof.ssa BERTA Graziella
  • NanoFate - “Nanoparticle Fate Assessment and Toxicity in the Environment”  - FP7-NMP-ENV-2009 - R.S. Prof. DONDERO Francesco
  • INNOVASOL "Innovative Materials for Future Generation Excitonic Solar Cells" - FP7 – ENERGY-NMP-2008-1 - R.S. Prof. MARCHESE Leonardo
  • EGEE-III - "Enabling Grids for E-sciencE III" - FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-2 - R.S. Prof.ssa SAITTA Lorenza
  • MEECE - "Marine ecosystem evolution in a changing environment" - FP7-ENV-2007-1 - R.S. Prof. VIARENGO Aldo
  • PRACTISE - "Promoting Reproducible Actions in the Communities to Improve Sustainable Energy" - Intellingent Energy - EIE - R.S. Prof. TRIVERO Paolo
  • InterRisk - "Interoperable GMES Services for Environmental Risk Management in Marine and Coastal Areas of Europe" - FP6-IST - R.S. Prof. TRIVERO Paolo
  • NCGGTH - "Non-commutative Geometry, Gauge Theories and Higher Yang-Mills Theories with Nonabelian 2-Form Gauge Potential"  - FP6 Marie Curie - R.S. Prof. CASTELLANI Leonardo
  • Stabilight - "Novel Inorganic Nanostructured Materials and Devices with Enhanced Photoemission Activity and Thermal Stability" - FP6-2004-IST-NMP-2 - R.S. Prof. MARCHESE Leonardo
  • Nomiracle - "Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of Cumulative Stressors in Europe" - FP6-2003-Global-2 - R.S. Prof. VIARENGO Aldo
  • Nanofire - "Environmentally friendly multifunctional fire retardant polymer hybrids and nanocomposites" - FP6-NMP - R.S. Prof.MARCHESE Leonardo
  • KD-ubiq - "A blueprint for ubiquitous knowledge discovery system" - FP6 FET-Open (IST-2002- - R.S. Prof.ssa SAITTA Lorenza
  • DISMAR - "Data Integration System for Marine pollution and water quality" - FP5 - IST - R.S. Prof. TRIVERO Paolo
  • GENOMYCA - "Genes and Genetic Engineering for Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Technology and Applications in Sustainable Agricolture" - FP5 - LIFE QUALITY - R.S. Prof.ssa BERTA Graziella
  • INTELL-DIAG - "Intelligent monitoring, diagnostic and maintenance system in flexible production" - FP5 - GROWTH - R.S. Prof. THESEIDER DUPRE' Daniele

Last modified 13 July 2022