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Computer Science degree internship

Degree course Computer Studies

Acquisition of internship credits for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Computer Science – Rules and procedures

Detailed information on the various methods of acquiring internship credits, the bureaucratic process and deadlines, can be found on the online DIR platform in Student Services (Tutoraggio, corsi a scelta, stage), in the section dedicated to internships and guided studies. Here are some of the key points.


Credits can be earned by completing an internship or supervised study period in a company/organisation, or at the University itself. Specific details and advice on how to choose the most suitable solution can be found on the DIR platform in Student Services Tutoraggio, corsi a scelta, stage), in the section dedicated to internships and guided studies.

The training project, proposed by the company/institution or by a teacher, must be submitted to the Didactic Commission of the degree programme, which then assesses its educational value.


Before beginning an internship, the student must present a proposal to the Didactic Commission and await approval from the Internship Office ( 

Any hours of activity carried out before this procedure is complete will not be recognised. 

In order to submit the project proposal to the Didactic Commission, it is necessary to have 120 credits recorded or have passed all the exams of the first and second year.

Application procedure for internship or guided study:

Proposals for internships or guided study are overseen by the tutor (of the company/organisation or university office) who will supervise the student’s activity.

The application procedure for submitting the proposal, and deadlines, can be found on the online DIR platform in Student Services (Tutoraggio, corsi a scelta, stage), in the section dedicated to internships and guided studies

The proposal must contain a description of the activity and goals of the internship that allows the Didactic Commission to assess the educational value.


The internship or guided study will last 250 hours (equivalent to 10 credits). A longer duration will not entitle the student to any more credits. If the internship or guided study is to be extended beyond the scheduled deadline, contact the Internship Office (stage.disit@uniupo.itbefore the scheduled end date.

Before beginning:

Before beginning the activity, the student must 

  • complete the course of General Training (A) for Health and Safety in the Workplace 2019/2020 (active from 1° October 2019)
  • anyone who has already followed this course (in previous years) and received the certificate need not do the course again but must present the certificate when requested.
  • Anyone who has attended similar courses must scan their certificate and send it to have its validity checked, at
  • Instructions for following the course can be found in the attachment;
  • Receive confirmation from the Internship Office or tutor that all requisites have been fulfilled.

During the activity:

The student will be supervised by:

  • External tutor (or company tutor) -  nominated and directly appointed by the company in the internship application form
  • Internal (university) tutor – teacher nominated by the Didactic Commission.

The tasks of the two tutors throughout the internship/guided study are defined within the DIR Student Services course (Informatica: Tutoraggio, corsi a scelta, stage), in the section dedicated to Internships and Guided Study.

After the activity:

At the end of the internship or guided study, the student is required to:

  • Draft a final report describing the activity carried out
  • Present this activity to the Graduation Committee

In the DIR course ( Informatica - Tutoraggio, corsi a scelta, stage), in the section dedicated to Internships and Guided Study, a document can be found which guides students in the preparation of the report and the presentation for the final exam.


  • Coordinator for internships of the Computer Science degree: Prof.ssa Lavinia Egidi

Last modified 1 September 2022