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Materials Science

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure


This three-year Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science is open to all and lasts 3 years (full-time) and 4 or 6 years (part-time).

Course location: Vercelli campus

The Chair of the Course Council is Prof. Luciano Ramello; e-mail:

For more information, consult the pages of UPO risponde.


The main educational objectives of the degree course in Materials Science can be summarised as follows: knowledge of the various sectors of chemistry (in  basic, theoretical, experimental and applicative aspects); adequate basic preparation in mathematical, computer and physical disciplines; ability to relate specific chemical knowledge to other scientific and technical disciplines and acquire awareness of the problems of sustainable development; integrated and synergistic basic knowledge of chemistry and physics of condensed states and operational and laboratory skills; ability to effectively use, in written and oral form, at least one language of the European Union, in addition to Italian, in the specific field of ​​competence and for the exchange of general information; skills and tools for communication and information management; ability to work in a team, to operate with defined degrees of autonomy and to efficiently integrate into the workplace. The training course includes two curricula, one with a chemical bent and the other physics-oriented, which differ in some courses in the second and third years.

To obtain the degree you must achieve 180 academic credits (CFU).

Admission Requirements

To enrol in the Materials Science Degree course, you need a good basic knowledge of mathematics, a strong aptitude for logical reasoning and a strong interest in exploring topics of Chemistry and Physics.

Possible fields of employment

Currently the main areas of employment are in research, control and analysis laboratories; in the sectors of synthesis and characterisation of new materials, of the environment and energy and in the conservation of artistic heritage.

In addition, Materials Science graduates will be able to continue their studies with a Master's Degree, subject to satisfying admission requirements.

Course organisation

In this section you can find the Materials Science Courses and Programmes , information on the Study Plan (organisation of lessons and educational activity; how to complete the Study Plan), the Didactic Regulations, (the set of rules on teaching that regulate the course), the Didactic System (the set of general rules that regulate the course) for your own cohort (generally related to the year of matriculation).

For more information on courses and programmes of previous years you can visit the page Course Archive.

From the Library Catalogue you can search by content or teacher, and find the textbooks recommended for preparation of exams.

Lessons timetable

You can find information on the lessons timetable in UPOPlanner

English Placement Test (EPT)

Any student who does not possess a suitable English language certificate must take the English Placement Test of Oxford University Press to determine their initial level of English language proficiency.

The test is designed to check your knowledge of the English language. Placement at level A1 or A2 means you will be obliged to attend an elementary course (20 hours) to prepare you for the more advanced English language course (50 hours).

The test does not substitute the Department’s English test, which must also be taken according to your own study plan and regulations of your degree programme.

Laboratory activity

Students who need to access the Laboratories of the aforementioned courses, must have completed training in Health and Safety in the Workplace (MEDIUM RISK). This training must be completed before entering the first laboratory.

The laboratory courses are compulsory and at least 90% attendance is required in the practical work in order to be admitted to the exam.

Erasmus and internships

During the degree programme, it is possible to spend time abroad as part of the Erasmus project.

This degree programme also involves an Internship

Graduation Procedure

Check the information on procedure for completing the 3-year Bachelor degree 

Last modified 17 January 2024