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Riconoscimento dei CFU sovrannumerari del corso LT in Chimica

Degree course Chemistry

Some types of activities are not marked/graded but may be recognised by the Didactic Commission, and included in the students' record.

The Commission, when updating the student transcript of records, will communicate to the Student Admin Office the title that best summarises the activity carried out. Subsequently, the Degree Commission will take these experiences into account by assigning up to a maximum of 1 point (corresponding to a maximum of 6 academic credits).

These activities may be:

  1.  Identified within a range of proposals offered by the degree programme.
  2. Freely chosen by the student and submitted for approval by the Course Council.

Recognition of activity for the degree:

  • Activity agreed with high schools and certified by the final exam
  • Hours of IT lessons (use of Excel/Powerpoint) for students in 1st year: 8 hours (1 credit)
  • Third Mission activities and/or organisation: 4 hours of event (1 credit)
  • participation in orientation activities: 4 hours of event (1 credit)
  • participation in conferences and seminars: 4 seminars attended (1 credit)
  • participation in training activities for the development of personal skills: 16 hours (1 credit)
  • summer school and independent professionalising work activities: 24 hours (3 credits)
  • student representation in one of the elective governing bodies (of the University, Department, Course): 1 credit per each year of mandate
  • participation in the Free Mover programme: 1 credit per month
  • participation in the Erasmus programme: 1 credit for each exam taken abroad
  • REACH self-study course: 1 credit.

Last modified 1 September 2022