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l) Graduating

The Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes end with the final exam, consisting of a viva (an oral defence) of the thesis, with the research topic being agreed together with one...

Degree course Philosophy, Politics and Cultural Studies - academic year 23/24

l) Graduating

The Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes end with the final exam, consisting of a viva (an oral defence) of the thesis, with the research topic being agreed together with one...

Degree course Philosophy, Politics and Cultural Studies - academic year 23/24

v) Handbook English Language Course

Please check the Handbook on the relevant pages of the course of Modern Languages.

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 23/24

u) Social Partners

This section is dedicated to the relationships between the Degree in Languages, Cultures and Tourism, and the Interested Social Partners (ISP), i.e. the organisations and...

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 23/24

aa) Admission and registration requirements

The degree is OPEN ACCESS (no capped number restrictions). Before enrolling, contact the Course Chair, Prof. Elisabetta Lonati - to check that you satisfy...

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 24/25

aa) Admission and registration requirements

The degree is OPEN ACCESS (no capped number restrictions). Before enrolling, contact the Course Chair, Prof. Elisabetta Lonati - to check that you satisfy...

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 23/24

t) Other Activity and language skills

Activity “Credits reserved by University to Activity pursuant to Art. 10, subsection 5, letter d.” As part of the Other Training activities, in addition to the credits envisaged in...

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 23/24

t) Other Activity and language skills

Activity “Credits reserved by University to Activity pursuant to Art. 10, subsection 5, letter d.” As part of the Other Training activities, in addition to the credits envisaged in...

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 23/24