Main content

a) Teacher tutors/teaching committee

Contact (Chair) of Languages, Cultures and Tourism Elisabetta Lonati - Teacher-tutors The teacher-tutor has the task of advising, guiding and assisting you...

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 24/25

a) Teacher tutors/teaching committee

Contact (Chair) of Languages, Cultures and Tourism Elisabetta Lonati - Teacher-tutors The teacher-tutor has the task of advising, guiding and assisting you...

Degree course Foreign Languages, Cultures, Tourism - (Double degree) - academic year 23/24

v) Handbook English Language Course

Please check the Handbook on the relevant pages of the course of Modern Foreign Languages.

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 24/25

v) Handbook English Language Course

Please check the Handbook on the relevant pages of the course of Modern Foreign Languages.

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 23/24

u) Social Partners

This section is dedicated to the relationships between the Degree in Philosophy and Communication and the Interested Social Partners (ISP), i.e. the organisations and institutions...

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 24/25

u) Social Partners

This section is dedicated to the relationships between the Degree in Philosophy and Communication and the Interested Social Partners (ISP), i.e. the organisations and institutions...

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 23/24