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Admission requisites for the Master’s degree in Biology

Degree course Biology

Pursuant to Ministerial Decrees 270/2004 and 509/1999, graduates of the degree programme L-13 Biological Sciences and L12 are admitted to the Master's Degree Course. Graduates with a qualification belonging to other degree classes (or qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable) may also be admitted, if the aforementioned graduates have accrued a number of academic credits equal to at least: 40 CFU in the biological disciplines and at least 20 CFU in the fields of mathematics, computer science, physics and chemistry.

In the event that the curricular requirements are not met, and specific deficiencies are highlighted, the Didactic Commission can call for supplementary remedial courses to be completed by the student before enrolment.

After checking the curricular requirements, an assessment of adequate personal preparation is carried out by the Didactic Commission. In the event of possession of a three-year degree (Italian or foreign) or a qualification deemed equivalent, with a final grade of at least 90/110 or a final grade corresponding at least to grade 'A' according to the ECTS system, the personal preparation requirement is automatically deemed satisfactory. In all other cases, the analysis of the curriculum will be followed by an interview aimed at ascertaining the personal preparation of the candidate with particular reference to the basic disciplines and Biology; the interview will be carried out by the Didactic Commission, which reserves the right to evaluate case by case and establishes the procedure. The interviews will be organised in specific time windows.

For any more information, write to the Didactic Commission at:

If required, submission of the degree programme followed, complete with exams taken, must follow these guidelines: a complete table must be prepared in PDF format, with 5 columns, in which the curriculum of the exams already taken appears complete with:

  • NAME of each exam
  • Scientific disciplinary sectors SSD
  • credits per exam
  • DATE exam
  • Exam mark.

For those exams in which there is no exact correspondence between credits of an exam already taken at another university and the exam scheduled in our University, it is also necessary to send the programme/syllabus of each individual course.

Last modified 1 September 2022