Teachers-Students Joint Committee (CPDS)
Each Department appoints a Teacher-Student Joint Committee (CPDS) made up of an equal number of teachers and students, where possible representative of all the courses belonging to the Department.
In order to guarantee the principle of impartiality, the Course Chairpersons, Department Managers and School Head must not be part of the CPDS. The CPDS is coordinated by a teacher chosen from among the members of the Committee itself.
The CPDS has the task of:
- continuous monitoring of the courses and quality of teaching, as well as the service provided to students by professors and researchers
- identifying indicators to evaluate the results of the educational offer
- formulating opinions on the activation and suppression of courses
- drawing up an annual report.
Below is the composition of the department’s Teacher-Student Joint Committee, subdivided by course
Bachelor’s in Chemistry
- Teacher: Fabio Carniato - fabio.carniato@uniupo.it
- Student: Alice Vardaro - 20033522@studenti.uniupo.it
Bachelor’s in Green Chemistry
- Teacher: Marco Milanesio - marco.milanesio@uniupo.it
- Student: Alessandro Passarello - 20032777@studenti.uniupo.it
Bachelor’s in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
- Teacher: Rosanna Pennazio - rosasnna.pennazio@uniupo.it
- Student: Matteo Pezzutto - 20044385@studenti.uniupo.it
Bachelor’s in Computer Studies
- Teacher: Marzio Pennisi - marzio.pennisi@uniupo.it
- Student: Giulia Serio - 20045780@studenti.uniupo.it
Bachelor’s in Materials Science - Chemistry
- Teacher: Giorgio Gatti - giorgio.gatti@uniupo.it
- Student: Alessandro Bessi - 20036521@studenti.uniupo.it
Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences
- Teacher: Maria Angela Masini - maria.masini@uniupo.it
- Student: Andrea Mantovan - 20039196@studenti.uniupo.it
Master’s in Biology
- Teacher: Francesco Dondero - francesco.dondero@uniupo.it
- Student: Camilla Zani - 20025318@studenti.uniupo.it
Master’s in Food Health & Environment – FH&E
- Teacher: Bona Elisa - elisa.bona@uniupo.it
- Student: to be elected
Master’s in Computer Studies
- Teacher: Paola Giannini - paola.giannini@uniupo.it
- Student: Marco Carega - 20018128@studenti.uniupo.it
Master’s in Chemical Sciences
- Teacher: Maurizio Aceto - maurizio.aceto@uniupo.it
- Student: Erika Laguzzi - 20016802@studenti.uniupo.it
Relazione della Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti del DISIT - 2020
- Documento PDF - 204.61 KB
Relazione della Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti del DISIT - 2019
- Documento PDF - 191.45 KB
Relazione della Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti del DISIT - 2018
- Documento PDF - 1.18 MB
Relazione della Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti del DISIT - 2017
- Documento PDF - 732.16 KB
Relazione della Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti del DISIT - 2016
- Documento PDF - 6.08 MB
Relazione della Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti del DISIT - 2015
- Documento PDF - 432.6 KB
Relazione della Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti del DISIT - 2014
- Documento PDF - 3.82 MB
Last modified 14 July 2022