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Responsibility for Research and Third Mission activities, as well as for its quality, remains with the Manager of the Department.

The Departments must guarantee a constant commitment to continuous improvement of Research and Third Mission goals, in terms of the ability to aim for results of ever greater value, setting objectives aligned with the best national and international practices.

It is the Department's task to define and implement procedures to achieve the objectives and monitor them periodically.

It is the responsibility of the Department Manager:

  • to draw up the SUA-RD
  • to draw up the Departmental Three-Year Plan (definition of objectives, identification and implementation of actions that allow their achievement)
  • to monitor the achievement of the objectives.

Review Group

The Research Review Group of the Department comprises: 

Single annual report of departmental research (SUA-RD)

The SUA-RD is a public computerized file that can be consulted online, within which each Department collects information on its activities.

It contains a definition of the Department's Research lines and Third Mission activity and is necessary for the Self-Assessment and Review, and for Periodic Evaluation and Accreditation.

The contents of the SUA-RD are divided into three sections.

Part I - objectives, resources and management of the Department

  • research goals of the Management System Department
  • human resources and infrastructure.

Part II – research results

  • scientific output - Internationalisation
  • teachers without scientific output for the year in question
  • projects acquired through Calls
  • responsibility and scientific acknowledgments

Part III – Third Mission

Contains information relating to the following activities:

  • intellectual property and spin-offs
  • third party activities
  • public engagement
  • cultural heritage
  • health and safety protection
  • continuous training
  • brokerage structures.

For each of the objectives defined in Part I, an operational plan must identify:

actions to be taken, responsibility for achieving the goal, methods of achievement, necessary or assigned resources, definition of the indicator or indicators and corresponding objectives, deadlines for achieving them and any progress, associated risks.

A Research and Third Mission management system must also be defined which clearly identifies:

  • organisational structure of the Department
  • research groups
  • Department QA policy
  • planning of the departmental research review activity.

The PQA, through the Support Office, ensures that all the data necessary for compiling the SUA-RD are provided.

SUA-RD 2013


SUARD 2013 Parte I obiettivi
Documento PDF - 168.69 KB
SUARD 2013 Parte II risultati
Documento PDF - 497.02 KB
SUARD 2013 Parte III Terza Missione
Documento PDF - 81.92 KB

Last modified 14 July 2022