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n) Exams state

There are no state exams for this course.

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m) Post-graduate studies

Numerous opportunities exist for students wishing to continue their studies in the field of disaster medicine and humanitarian assistance, who may choose to further deepen their...

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l) Final exam and graduating

The qualification is obtained after having acquired 120 CFUs, including the final exam and the internship. The final test consists in a verification of the candidate's ability to...

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i) Work Placements and Internships (for companies)

Why hosting an intern/internship? The internship is a useful tool not only for the student and graduate who have the opportunity to come into contact with the world of work...

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h) Work Placements and Internships (for students)

Before graduating, all students must complete an internship of 450 hours (18 CFU). A list of the available internship projects will be published on the Master’s Degree website. In...

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f) Careers Guidance and Job Placement

To help you learn more about the university context, and understand where you will have the opportunity to better develop your potential, we promote several activities that will...

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