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Chair of the Course Council and Quality Management and Review Group

For individual Degree Programs, the responsibility for the range of courses and its quality lies with the Chair of the Course Council, supported by the Quality Management and Review Group, which assists him in the preparation of the Review Reports.

The Course Council must guarantee constant commitment to improvement, in terms of the ability to aim for results of ever greater value, setting training objectives aligned with the best national and international examples.

It is the task of each Chairperson (in a coordinated way with the Department) to define and implement the procedures suitable for achieving the aforementioned objectives and necessary monitoring.

It is the responsibility and duty of the Course Council Chair to draw up:

  • Single Annual Course Chart
  • Annual Review Report
  • Cyclical Review Report

Single Annual Degree Programme Sheet

The SUA-CdS is a public computerized card that can be consulted online, within which each course gathers together information on its activity.

The SUA-CDS must:

  • declare the contents and methods of the course
  • orient and delimit expectations on learning results and on the ability of a course to favour achievement of such
  • generate a public space to which the interested parties can access to form an opinion and formulate an informed judgment.

The PQA, through the support office, ensures that all the data necessary for the compilation of its CdS are provided.

Annual Monitoring Sheet (AMS) until 2017

The AMS replaces the Annual Review Report (ARR) and contains the indicators that ANVUR makes available to universities by the end of June.

The annual monitoring represents a fundamental moment in the Quality Assurance (QA) process and aims to verify the adequacy of the learning objectives that the Course has set itself, the correspondence between these objectives and the results obtained and the effectiveness of the Course, also from the point of view of employment outcomes.

The examination of the indicators and comparison with national and macro-regional values makes it possible in particular to identify any critical issues; the CdS must identify the causes, adopt corrective and improvement measures and subsequently assess their effectiveness.

Annual Review Report (ARR) until 2016

The ARR is the result of a periodic and planned process that aims to verify the adequacy and correspondence of learning objectives, and the effectiveness of the course management.

The RAR documents, analyses and comments in a critical and timely manner:

  • the effects of corrective actions announced in the previous Annual Review Reports
  • the strengths, critical points and areas to be strengthened that emerge from the analysis of the academic year in question
  • corrective actions on the critical elements highlighted, the changes deemed necessary and actions aimed at consolidating and improving the existing one.

The ARR represents the central node of the QA of the individual Course and must be elaborated and discussed collectively by the Review Group, including student representation. It is presented, discussed and approved by the Board of the Course or equivalent structure.

It must contain a critical review of the data made available by the PQA and must take into account the report of the CPDS and the requests reported by teachers and students.

The actions planned in the ARR must be concrete and the CdS must undertake to carry them out within a specific deadline. The planned actions and their execution are monitored by the PQA, also making use of the RQDF, and evaluated by the CPDS.

Cyclical Review Report (CRR)

The RCR is drawn up periodically, according to the duration of the Course and in any case in preparation for a periodic accreditation visit. It aims to examine the validity of the training objectives and of the management system used by the Course

It examines:

  • the topicality of the training demand that is the basis of the course
  • the professional figures of reference and their skills
  • the consistency of the learning outcomes envisaged with the programme as a whole and by the individual courses
  • the effectiveness of the management system of the course

For each of these elements, the CRR documents, analyses and comments:

  • the effects of the corrective actions announced in previous RCRs
  • the strengths and areas to be strengthened that emerge from the analysis of the period under review and the prospects for the subsequent period
  • corrective actions on the critical elements highlighted, changes deemed necessary and actions aimed at making improvements.

Course Chairs, Quality Management and Review Groups for Degree Programmes

Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry

Bachelor's Degree in Green Chemistry

Quality Control and Review Team



  • Green Chemistry SUA-CDS 
  • Green Chemistry SMA

Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development

Quality Control and Review Team



  • Environmental management and sustainable development SUA-CDS 
  • Environmental management and sustainable development SMA

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Bachelor's Degree in Materials Science - Chemistry

Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences

Master degree in Biology

Master degree in Food, Health and Environment

Quality Control and Review Team



Anno 2019

Master's degree in Computer Science

Master's degree in Chemical Science

Last modified 18 July 2022