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Transfers and endorsement of credits

Endorsement of qualifications Per informazioni si rimanda alla procedura prevista dal Ministero della Salute. Credit recognition Students wishing to apply for the validation of...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Transfers and endorsement of credits

Endorsement of qualifications Per informazioni si rimanda alla procedura prevista dal Ministero della Salute. Credit recognition Students wishing to apply for the validation of...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Qualifying internship

The Decree Law no. 18 of 17 March 2020 abolished the State Exam for licensing in the medical profession; as stated in the circular of 25 March 2020, graduates of Medicine and...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Professional Internship

During the clinical teaching phases, the student is required to acquire specific skills in the field of internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Path of Excellence

The Path of Excellence is aimed at enhancing the training of deserving students interested in in-depth activities and cultural integration. It allows the acquisition of knowledge...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Governing bodies

Chair of Degree Council Prof.ssa Sandra D'Alfonso Technical Committee di Didactic-Academic planning Teachers Prof.ssa D'Alfonso Sandra (Chair of...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Final exam

The documents indicated below are sent electronically with the new ESSE3 procedure illustrated in the operational guide and according to the deadlines published at the bottom of...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Elective educational activity (EEA)

These are educational activities, chosen by the student, which can be carried out with lectures, seminars, refresher courses and conferences, interactive courses in small groups...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Additional educational obligations

Additional Educational Obligations are assigned to students with gaps in knowledge in the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics; these Educational Obligations...

Degree course Degree in Medicine and Surgery