Main content

Additional Remedial Requirements

Students admitted to the Degree Course who have obtained scores lower than those indicated below will be assigned additional educational obligations to be completed during the...

Degree course Degree course in Dental Hygiene

The premises and staff

The course is held in viale P.zza d'Armi, 1 (Ospedale San Giuliano) in Novara. Degree course Chair: Prof. Pier Luigi Foglio Bonda Coordinator of didactic activity: Prof. Mario...

Degree course Degree course in Dental Hygiene

Notice Board for Hygienists

Bachelor’s degree in Dental Hygiene From the following link you can access the DIR online area dedicated to dental hygienists: Notice Board for Dental Hygienists

Degree course Degree course in Dental Hygiene

Lessons Timetable

By clicking on the calendar of activities you can search for lessons of the degree course, by teacher, or consult the exams calendar. Please note that published hours are subject...

Degree course Degree course in Dental Hygiene

Final exam

Bachelor’s degree in Dental Hygiene (to qualify for the health profession of Dental Hygiene) Ordinary session a.y. 2021/2022 The final exam of the Degree in Dental Hygiene– a.y...

Degree course Advanced course in "Functional Imaging and evaluation in cardiac diagnostics and intervention"

Degree Course Council

Minutes from the meetings of the Degree Course Council are available on the Google Drive of authorised users. In the event of need, contact

Degree course Advanced course in "Functional Imaging and evaluation in cardiac diagnostics and intervention"