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Lessons timetable

Click on calendar of activities to search the lessons by Degree programme, location, or find the exam calendar Remember that lessons timetables may be modified. To book a place in...

Degree course Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy

Teachers and Coordinators of modules

Teachers and office hours In this page you can find the list of teachers from the Physiotherapy bachelor’s degree programme: Teachers Teachers of degree programme 2022-2023 (22.09...

Degree course Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy

Regulations and Study Plans

Didactic Regulations Didactic regulations (for students enrolled in a.y. 2022/2023) Didactic regulations (for students enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022) Didactic regulations (for...

Degree course Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy

Final Exam

Ordinary exam session a.y. 2021/2022 The final exam of the degree course in Physiotherapy - a.y. 2021/2022 – ordinary session – will be held on 21-22-23-24-25 NOVEMBER 2022. The...

Degree course Advanced course in "Functional Imaging and evaluation in cardiac diagnostics and intervention"

Request for certificates for use abroad

Notice: from 1° August 2021 to 30 August 2021, the service for issue of certificates for use abroad and diploma supplements will not be available. _________________________________...

Degree course Advanced course in "Functional Imaging and evaluation in cardiac diagnostics and intervention"

Transfers and credit approvals

Transfers and credit approvals The degree course in Physiotherapy is not accepting incoming transfers for a.y. 2022/2023 due to a lack of places. The degree course in Physiotherapy...

Degree course Advanced course in "Functional Imaging and evaluation in cardiac diagnostics and intervention"

Regulations and Study Plans

Didactic regulations Didactic regulations (for students enrolled in a.y.. 2022/2023) Didactic regulations (for students enrolled in a.y.. 2021/2022) Didactic regulations (for...

Degree course Degree course in Dental Hygiene