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Academic year 2022-2023 START LESSONS 1st SEMESTER 1° YEAR: 26 SEPTEMBER 2022 2° YEAR: 3 OCTOBER 2022 3° YEAR: 3 OCTOBER 2022 The lesson timetables will soon be available in the...

Degree course Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology

Optional Educational Activity (OEA)

Academic year 2022/2023 The Optional Educational Activities (OEA) are educational activities chosen by the student. They must be acquired consistently alongside the educational...

Degree course Advanced course in "Functional Imaging and evaluation in cardiac diagnostics and intervention"

Initial Skills Assessment Test

The assessment of basic skills takes place for all enrolled students by means of a test (Initial Skills Assessment Test). The test does not earn the student training credits and a...

Degree course Advanced course in "Functional Imaging and evaluation in cardiac diagnostics and intervention"

Exam validation

IncomingTransfers from other universities The degree course in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences is not accepting incoming transfers for a.y. 2022/2023 due to a lack of places...

Degree course Degree in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences

Internships and placements for EMI

Internships and traineeships are periods of 'practical activity' that a student or recent graduate carries out in companies, public bodies or as freelancers, aimed on the one hand...

Degree course Economics, Management and Institutions (EMI 22/23)


The programme is OPEN ACCESS. For admission, students must hold a high school diploma or equivalent certificate from an international institute. Incoming Skills Assessment Students...

Degree course Social Work (Class 22/23)