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The degree course in Law that starts in academic year 2022/2023 is offered by DiGSPES at the training centre in Alessandria. The single-cycle master's degree course (five years)...

Degree course Law (LMG 22/23)


The study plan for academic year 2022/2023 can be viewed at this link. The archive of all study plans and educational courses (both for full-time and part-time students) is...

Degree course Social Work (Class 22/23)

Teaching Regulations

The Didactic Regulations of the Bachelor's Degree Course in Political Science and Public Administration - SPA defines the contents of the didactic system and the organisational...

Degree course Political science and public administration (SPA 22/23)

Didactic Regulations

The Didactic Regulations of the course in Economics, Management and Institutions (EMI) defines the contents of the didactic system and the organisational aspects of the degree...

Degree course Economics, Management and Institutions (EMI 22/23)

Career opportunities

There are many career possibilities for graduates in Law: Legal professions (magistrate, lawyer and notary) Careers in international institutions Careers in public administration...

Degree course Law (LMG 22/23)

Coordinators and tutors a.y. 2022/2023

Course chair: prof. Jean Daniel Coisson Tutors: Roberta ARCIDIACONO, Marco ARLORIO, Mariagrazia GRILLI, Monica LOCATELLI, Luigi PANZA, Franco PATTARINO, Armando GENAZZANI, Gian...

Degree course Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - 1505 a.y. 2022/2023

Study plan

In allegato il piano didattico.

Degree course International Specialist Master in Religion, Politics and Global Society (II edition) (22-23)